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See the UW occupied campus protest mayhem with your own eyes

UW occupied Gaza protest 2024

Opinion column by KVI morning show producer, Phil Vandervort:

More and more images of the vandalism and individual behavior at the University of Washington occupied protest are pouring in with the benefit of social media. KVI morning show producer, Phil Vandervort, has compiled several images and videos from just the last few days to understand the situation on the Seattle campus after three weeks of the occupied protest, which supporters call “The Popular University For Gaza Liberated Zone”.

KVI’s afternoon host, Ari Hoffman, photographed this violent message spray painted on the base of the George Washington Statue on the campus outside Meany Hall Performing Arts Center.

Threatening to kill someone doesn’t exactly sound like protected speech under the First Amendment of The U.S. Constitution.

Hoffman has documented other provocative graffiti messages that have vandalized the campus.

As the above message indicates, the escalation of the graffiti prompted the accompanying advisory among UW administrators and staff as reported by the editor of the UW student newspaper “The Daily”, Sofia Schwarzwalder.

More examples of vandalism and graffiti at the UW campus this week. In the post below, look for the series of graffiti messages captured in the photo on the lower right corner. Click the post below and then click the individual pictures to read the protest messages for yourself.

More anger and vitriol aimed at Jews in Israel…


This video embedded below shows the alarming disregard the occupied protesters have towards Seattle news media. Watch how the four occupied protesters accost or enable the intimidation of a Seattle TV news photographer for Fox 13.

It’s no wonder the people involved in the UW occupied protest want to cover their faces and avoid being photographed. The circumstantial evidence indicates they don’t want to be connected to the property damage or violent threats piling up on the UW campus.

There’s been a consistent debate about whether or not the UW occupied protest (as well as other campus protests at US universities and colleges) consists of actual students or outsiders who are career activists and demonstrators well beyond the typical age of a university student. If the four individuals above are actually enrolled as University of Washington students and they behave that way toward a visitor on campus, let alone a news photographer, the UW administrators need to seriously consider suspension and probation for its reflection on the students the university admits for higher education at the flagship public university in the Pacific Northwest.

The preceding thoughts and words posted between these images and video are the sole conclusion of KVI morning show producer, Phil Vandervort, who speaks for nobody but himself.

P.S. Have a nice day.



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