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Biden debate performance spurs “Who is in control?” question(s)

CNN Presidential debate Donald Trump, Pres. Joe Biden.

The questions about fitness to serve for President Joe Biden have reached a fever pitch after last night ‘s CNN debate performance.

Historian and author, Victor Davis Hanson, raises the questions during a KVI interview asking, “Who’s in control? Is it the third term of the Obama people? Is it no one at all?” Hanson later adds, “We don’t know who’s running the country. Is it Jake Sullivan (National Security Advisor)? Is it Anthony Blinken (Secretary of State)? Is it the Obamas?”

Hanson, a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, who penned the 2019 book “The Case for Trump”, clearly has a preference for Donald Trump in the 2024 election but adds, “I think a lot of people (watching the debate last night) were very angry because the Left has foisted that ruse on us for four years and anybody who objected…about his (Biden’s) cognitive status, people just attack you.”

To listen to Hanson’s interview with KVI host, John Carlson, click the play button below.


Hanson warns that Biden’s debate performance could draw forceful or provocative actions from America’s foreign adversaries, like China, North Korea, Iran or Russia. “Do they have a window of opportunity in the next few months or at least all the way to January 20th (inauguration day) to do something really stupid and try something? And I think they’re waging that against the odds of who’s in control (of The White House presidency)?”, posits Hanson.

Hanson adds bluntly, “It’s not really a matter anymore of the Democratic Party or even the election or who’s going to be President. It’s a matter of the security of the United States.”

Hanson proceeds to say he thinks there’s a 70% chance Democrats pursue another presidential nominee rather than Biden, “I think…as we’re talking right now, the (Democratic Party) donor class and the leaders in the Congress on the Left are trying to figure out a pathway as quickly as they can (to replace Biden).”

Hanson and Carlson also discuss the formal process Democrats would need to take if they really want to force Biden off the 2024 election ballot with a replacement nominee.

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