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CADF Takes on Tacoma’s Ill-Advised Landlord “Fairness” Code!

Jackson Maynard

KVI’s Ari Hoffman talks to Jackson Maynard, Executive Director, Citizen Action Defense Fund as the CADF Takes on Tacoma’s Ill-Advised Landlord “Fairness” Code!

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The measure claimed to advocate for “tenant rights,” but instead, made radical changes that negatively impact the City of Tacoma
Olympia, Washington — August 27, 2024 — The Citizen Action Defense Fund (CADF) has filed a lawsuit on behalf of North Pearl Street, a Tacoma-based apartment complex, against the City of Tacoma due to the passage and implementation of the “Landlord Fairness Code Initiative.”
The code was pushed through – and passed by just about 400 votes – in November of last year. It was approved under the guise of protecting tenant rights, but it was clear that the negative ramifications of passing the initiative far outweighed any described benefit.
Rather than helping protect tenant rights, the measure hindered swift action against problem tenants and squatters, strained city taxpayers financially, and disrupted the balance of housing regulation, all of which impact housing availability and affordability.
Given the housing crisis both the state and nation are facing, the challenged measure does little to circumvent the problem and actually makes it worse. In addition, the initiative is unlawful in a myriad of ways, violating the state and federal constitutions along with state law.
The complaint was filed in Pierce County Superior Court this morning.
“This initiative isn’t just bad policy – it’s bad law,” said Jackson Maynard, Executive Director and Counsel for CADF. “The idea that housing providers can be subject to an ordinance that violates the state and federal constitution as well as state and local laws is ridiculous. The people of the City of Tacoma deserve better than this unlawful and unconstitutional law that creates additional financial strain on the housing market and its citizens.”

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