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“Your Service is Enough” – Yvonne Gallardo Looks to Unseat Rep. Clyde Shavers

Republican Yvonne Gallardo, an Arlington City Council member, has launched a campaign to unseat Democratic Rep. Clyde Shavers in the 10th Legislative District in Washington in 2024. (Courtesy of Gallardo campaign)

Yvonne Gallardo, candidate for Washington State Representative – Legislative District 10 joins KVI’s Ari Hoffman to talk about her platform and campaign!

Listen to the audio here:


More information is available at

Meet Yvonne

I proudly served in the Navy for nine years as an Electronics Technician. During this time in the military, I developed a passion for volunteering with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and Clothes for Kids.

My passion for community development and engagement has grown even more over the years and I have volunteered my time and expertise with various nonprofits and businesses to help them grow, expand, engage and develop a stronger community relationship. I have served on my kids’ PTAs, the Veteran Memorial Wreath Foundation, Soroptimist International of Marysville, SCORE and proudly served as a founding board member of the Snohomish County Latino Coalition. My passion for connecting local businesses to the community is what led me to apply for and accept the role of Director for the Monroe Chamber of Commerce a few years ago.

I now work full-time as a Grant Operations Administrator and work towards my dreams, a few weekends a year, of being self-employed by running our family-owned mobile food business at our local farmers markets and various breweries and distilleries around the county.

I am an experienced and dedicated community leader who will continue to ensure fiscal responsibility, adopt strategies that foster smart business development, and provide quality city services that keep our communities safe and vibrant. 

Quality Education Our Kids Deserve

Advocate for policies that prioritize quality education that fully fund our kids’ educational needs.

Public Safety
Advocate to prioritize first responders’ needs and advocate for policies that enhance their safety and effectiveness.

Support Small Businesses
Advocate for policies that benefit small businesses, simplify regulations and enhance workforce training and education.

Mental Health Support
Advocate to prioritize mental health needs for our veterans, first responders and most vulnerable population.

Affordable Housing
Advocate to ensure all residents have access to safe and stable housing so everyone has a place to call home.

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