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Carlson Conclusion: big tech mistakes always seem to go one political direction

Google, headquarters

Big tech firms Meta and Google both acknowledged content errors this week related to information about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

KVI’s John Carlson examined those admissions by Meta and Google and concluded: “the political bias all went in one direction. That is what gets my anger rising quickly.” Click the play button below to hear Carlson’s coverage.

Carlson continued, “I understand mistakes. I understand people make mistakes. No one is perfect. But when the mistakes are always made in one direction you have to ask yourself why this incredible coincidence? And the answer is because a lot the people who do the censoring, who make these calls because have a pronounced political bias. They operate in a pronounced, politicized culture that results in biased findings and unfair treatment.”

As see in the tweet above, Google was criticized for preventing Donald Trump’s name from being added to the auto-fill search suggestions, instead directing search users to other historic assassination attempts but ignoring Trump’s case.

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