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The Lars Larson Show

One of the top conservative voices in America, Lars Larson is synonymous with smart, spirited, stimulating conversation. He believes that the only way to improve our community, state, and union is through honest discussion. Sometimes that means that people (including Lars) might be made to feel a bit “uncomfortable” as ideas are challenged. But it’s worth it! In fact, when compared to what our forefathers endured, it’s a very small price to pay for a better tomorrow.

From noon-3 p.m. Lars is live with his Northwest show on KVI, taking your calls and talking about the local issues that affect all of us in the Pacific Northwest. Of course Lars is a familiar personality on KVI with his frequent guest host appearances for John Carlson, and his nightly national show at 6.

Lars got his start in radio at age 16 spinning records. 36 years later and light years to “the Right,” Emmy and Peabody award winner Lars Larson brings nearly four decades of experience as a radio and television journalist to the microphone for three hours of the best talk radio in America. Another six hours of daily preparation keep The Lars Larson Show on top of the news and top-of-mind for listeners across the country.

Lars has picked up more than 70 awards from the Associated Press, Society of Professional journalists, the National Press Club (as well as the Emmy’s and a Peabody) for his reporting and documentaries.

He appears every week on Megyn Kelly’s show on Fox News to debate a liberal talk radio host. He has also appeared on “The O’Reilly Factor”, “Larry King”, “Scarborough Country”, “Fox and Friends” and countless local radio shows around the United States and on The BBC and shows around the world .

Wife Tina and Lars travel around the northwest a lot on their own with their two Scotty dogs Bordie and Merlo. They live on an acre and a half in Vancouver, Washington where Tina’s summertime gardens produce more than the family can eat.
